betrayal of country: a violation of the allegiance owed by somebody to his or her own country, e.g. by aiding an enemy.
See also high treason
See also high treason
treachery: betrayal or disloyalty
act of betrayal: an act of betrayal or disloyalty
So at a townhall meeting (breeding grounds for hatemongering these days), when someone asked Rep. Paul Broun (R - GA) "Who is going to shoot Obama?", that person showed right there "an act of betrayal or disloyalty" to the United States. The appropriate course of action for Rep. Broun would be to harshly condemn those words and even the thought of assassinating our President. (And no one can say with a clean conscience that it was "only a joke" because killing is never a laughing matter.) Therefore because Rep. Broun did not denounce this behavior, one could say he was "aiding an enemy," and would thus be guilty of treason as well.
I did not and do not like George W Bush. I think his policies have ruined our economic status here at home, and our credibility around the world. I think he got us into two unneeded wars, costing the lives of thousands of Americans and countless civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. But I would never, ever suggest someone shoot him. Ever.
People, we are American because we are better than this. We have to grow up. We have to stop breeding hate. We need to stop all this treasonous talk and behavior. And we need to do that now.